Personal project

Webflow Landing Page, "Spanish idioms and expressions..."

"Dichos y expresiones hispanas, manual de creatividad en la vida en español", "Spanish idioms and expressions, a handbook for creativity in life, in Spanish".


15. Creating a Landing Page to sell books, Self-publishing and sale on KDP Amazon, Digital edition of the interactive Pdf on Gumroad, Paypal payment gateway.


Web design, Webflow, Book, Creativity, Art, Illustration, Eduardo Navarro, Sonia Sánchez, María Colmenares, Selling books


Printing book, Amazon Edition, Artistic creative book, Web page

Context, paintpoints  & needs

The idea of self-publishing a book with Sonia's paintings and drawings came from Sonia Sánchez. She and María Colmenares, friend and writer, live in Miami and they also contacted me because of my friendship with Sonia to carry out this personal project. We embarked on self-publishing with Amazon and printing with Pixartprinting, an Italian online printing company that gave us a bit of a scare. Even so, the quality/price ratio convinces us. Because of my experience in Fine Arts my contribution to this project is to write about creativity and tips for creators or artists.

Research, benchmarking

One of the other factors that were decisive in creating this physical product and the website to promote it was the Hispanic community, Latin expats in Miami who miss their relatives and their culture.

Search for creativity books on Google Shopping

Search for books or notebooks with creativity exercises. Desktop searching

Of all the books I was able to browse through and which inspired me for this project was The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, of Julia Cameron. Available on Amazon as well.

Cameron changed the way the world thinks about creativity when she first published The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity thirty years ago. Over five million copies later, Cameron now turns her attention to creative prayer, which she believes is a key facet of the creative life. It is never too late to be an artist is also a book by Julia Cameron aimed at that segment of the population made up of people, the retired, who, paradoxically, although they have more time to be creative, often feel sceptical or intimidated about the creative process. Cameron shows that retirement can be the most fruitful, satisfying and creative period of their lives.

As for other expressions not included in the book but which are widely used in Spain, here is an interesting link

Very common idioms used in Spain


The challenge was to promote and create "Dichos y expresiones Hispanas" with our media and our circles of influence, the ideas to solve the need to create, learn Spanish and promote the pictorial and mural work of Sonia and myself (Eduardo). To promote María's written creativity and coaching, we created a book with 12 sayings as an excuse for creativity exercises.

Due to our lack of resources we decided to self-publish on Amazon and Pixartprinting. Using Webflow and Gumroad for the website made it easier for us to promote and sell the book, and Sonia's idea to promote it was to use Instagram so that the students-readers could publish and share their drawings with the #dichoshispanos or with the name of the saying. That is, for chapter 1 of the book, #pajarosenlacabeza.

Results Solutions

The solution to the dilemma of creating a creativity exercise book and a way to promote it was to create exercises that are creative in themselves, that are fun and that delve into the search for a concept. The question to ask oneself is: What is my mission as a painter or writer? What do I paint? What is my metaphor? Where do I get my inspiration from? Is it good to copy?

Here are some links where you can buy the book in print or digital version:

Print edition Amazon USA, Print edition Amazon SPAIN,

Y otros links donde ver la promoción y el marketing digital:





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