Frequently Asked Questions

Hired or freelance?

I'm currently unemployed and looking for freelance clients as well as in-house designer in remote, hybrid or on-site in a brand.

What are your design freelance rates?

My hourly rate is 25 euros or US dollars per hour.for design strategy consultancy or writing purpose, mission or vouchers it is 40 euros or US dollars per hour. If you need an estimate of hours I can give you an estimate: Programming and designing a landing page with Webflow or Wordpress 200 USD/€. More than 20 hours per month I work for 20 USD/€.

My salary band in Spain:
Visual Designer - Digital/Print: €25,000 - €35,000
UI/UX Designer €30,000 - €40,000
Strategy and Concept Designer €50,000- €60,000

How many years of experience do you have?

I have more than 20 years of experience working mostly for Marketing and lately for IT or startups.

Where have you previously worked on?

My experience working at PageGroup for 2 years in Madrid and 4 years in Barcelona for marketing in France and Northern Europe. Creation of the PageOutsourcing brand with Pieter Bailleul (Marketing Director Europe) and Mark Urwin (Creative Director UK) both from PageGroup.

Are you ready to move to other country?

Yes I do. I would prefer to work in Spain or France. If I had to sign a contract in another country I could do it by settling down for 3 to 6 months and then work remotely.